February 16, 2013
Yesterday we had to do something sad: My ex-husband is moving to Florida. The girls and I live in California. The girls and I had to go to court in order for a new custody plan to be put in place. It was a beautiful day and in many ways less traumatic and less painful than all of the initial parts of the divorce, but was still a yucky thing to have to do. Because it was a fairly consuming process, I forgot to look for JOY yesterday. And then I didn't sleep last night processing all that has occurred during the day and thinking over the hard events of the last two years. Remembering some of the hard parts that I had put behind me kept me awake all night.
I got out of bed in the morning light and saw the sunrise. Then I looked at my phone and this JOY found me. It said "Put JOY in your heart."
And that really is what my search for JOY is all about: to find it no matter what hard or sad things are going on around you. It is my choice to hold on to the hard parts or to let them float away. And if I keep the hard parts in my heart there is less room for JOY. So I'm letting the sad parts flow out of me with tears and I'm putting JOY there instead.
- Heather Itzla, Robin A. Common, Dena Shupe and 75 others like this.
- Shannon Trani Fredericks So sorry you and the girls have to deal with this, but I know you have become stronger and much more joyful through these trials. Additionally, you have inspired so many of us to focus on our JOY! Love you guys! Have a beautiful day!
- Leslee Boyd Wullbrandt Thanks for sharing that Maili... So many trials and challenges shaping us all. You are so strong!! Always make room for your Joy and you will find peace. XO
- Ninette Shorter Maili, thank you so much for sharing your journey's learnings with us. You inspire and help so many with your deeply heartfelt thoughts. I love how you touch, affect, and influence so many. I will never see the word "joy" the same, and I carry this marvelous metaphor with me about finding what I look for. It's invaluable. You and your girls are so strong and beautiful and authentic. I miss seeing you regularly as we used to, but I'm grateful you're in our region -- day trip distance! -- and for FB/Internet!!!!! Love and peace to you and yours.
- Nancy Estrada Clark Maili, I'm so sorry for what you and your girls are going through. Sending you much love and JOY.
- Lori Speulda Rudnik Maili, thank you for sharing. Sorry for the trials you are acquiring. I know it can be tough with distance. I, too, am going thru some trials of my own and wanted to thank you for inspiring me to look for "Joy". Your writing couldn't have come at a better time for me. I believe everything will work out smoothly if we keep JOY in our lives.
- D.k. Crawford that is exactly as I am learning with love. Wish I'd known you were up last night, we could had emails or texted. What a huge event, so glad it did not push the joy out of you heart and you have learned to breathe through it and connect. Love you
- Gail Gould Wolf Maili, you are so encouraging! I have told many people about your search for joy. Hard times and sadness make us grow. I am sorry for you and your sweet girls going through this struggle!
- Eilam Byle you've been through so much, and are so strong and loving person, the good thing is that with time, less and less of that pain from the past surfaces as we move into that new and beautiful life that create, what once was unbearable pain turned into a gate to an amazing garden.
- Tara Lennon Halprin You inspire me Maili. Your messages of JOY always come at the right time. Thank you and may Joy follow you always.
- Stephanie Teer Keeping you in my heart and in my prayers... wishing and sending you energies of joy and love for you and your girls.
- Kim Miles Cantrell It's very hard to get thru these painful times but know in your heart that you are a wonderful parent, terrific person & special friend to so many. When one door closes, another one opens. In Luv & Joy, Cousin Kim~
- Bonnie Lunde Wagner I'm always so amazed by your kindness. I don't know how you do it. I'm always in awe of the unselfish way you think. Hugs to my friend Maili Halme Brocke!
- Anne Lewis That had to have been such a difficult time for you .. Its a JOY for me to be reconnected with you!
- Debbie Carty Be Joyful that you do not have to keep running from yourself and get to stay put and be surrounded by the millions that love and care about you.
- Jennifer West Maile you are a source of joy for many so if you find yourself looking- take a look at Melissa or your daughters or your friends - they will reflect the joy you have given
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